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Direct Tax Compliances
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Direct Tax Compliances
All business organization ranging from Corporate to proprietorship besides most of the salaried individuals, pensioners and non-profit organizations are required to comply with a number of income tax compliances, which are mostly time-bound and technical in nature. There is no doubt than Indian Direct Taxation Laws are complex and it is for that compliance of income tax provisions require expert knowledge and experience. We provide Time-bound and quality services to our clients. Our span of Income Tax services covers all aspects of Indian Income Tax Laws. Our services help our clients to operate efficiently and meet out their tax liability and other compliances. Our service in this segment includes:
⦁ Tax Advisory
⦁ Income Tax & Wealth Tax Compliances
⦁ Taxation of Non-residents and Expatriates
⦁ Handling of Assessment Proceedings, Representations before Tax Authorities & Appellate matters before CIT (Appeal) and Income Tax Appellate Tribunal
⦁ Tax Advisory Services under Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements and Transfer Pricing
⦁ Taxation matters of Charitable Organizations i.e. Exemptions and Assessments.
⦁ International & domestic transfer pricing provisions
Project Completed Last Years
Happy Customer Worldwide

A business strategy is the means by which it sets out to achieve its desired ends.
If you have been selected for a business audit, here is what you need to know.
Restructuring your company could restore its viability and improve its liquidity position.

Marketing Research
Research helps you plan the best way to get your product from the manufacturer to the retail shelf. In addition to deciding which retailers should carry your product, you should determine where your inventory will be held.
Listen to your team
Go to your team, and tell them you want to make a fresh start. Tell them you want them to enjoy their jobs more and get more done.
Analyze the Problem
In this problem solving step, you will want to figure out what caused the problem, what the problem looks like at this moment, and the urgency of addressing the problem.

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