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Find the problem
Which problem do you solve first? It doesn’t matter. If you have time and energy, fix the one that will be the biggest boost to your bottom line.
Marketing Research
Research helps you plan the best way to get your product from the manufacturer to the retail shelf. In addition to deciding which retailers should carry your product, you should determine where your inventory will be held.
Listen to your team
Go to your team, and tell them you want to make a fresh start. Tell them you want them to enjoy their jobs more and get more done.
Analyze the Problem
In this problem solving step, you will want to figure out what caused the problem, what the problem looks like at this moment, and the urgency of addressing the problem.
Distribution Research
Research helps you plan the best way to get your product from the manufacturer to the retail shelf. In addition to deciding which retailers should carry your product, you should determine where your inventory will be held
Pricing Research
You need to keep the customer in mind as well as remember that the main goal is to maximize your profits. Consider whether or not customers can be gained through lower prices.
Research and analysis
Whether you are aware of it or not, as a business owner you conduct market research all the time
Applying solutions
Think like a doctor. You wouldn’t be happy if your doctor gave you stomach medicine for a heart condition.
Project Management
Huge online community of Project Managers offering over 12000 how-to articles, templates, project plans, and checklists to help you do your job.
Human Capital Management
Increase business agility. Achieve more, faster, and with less resources. With the following key enablers: the cloud, mobile, social, analytics, the internet of things, and big data, you can transform your business for the future.
Business Process Services
By leveraging business process services, you can focus on your core business challenges, instead of day-to-day non-core processes.
Strategy and Planning
A business strategy is the means by which it sets out to achieve its desired ends.
Finance and Restructuring
Restructuring your company could restore its viability and improve its liquidity position.
Estate Planning & Asset Protection
With the economy slowly plugging along and credit remaining tight, asset protection is still a hot topic.
Audit and Evaluation
If you have been selected for a business audit, here is what you need to know.

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